Apr 15, 2010

One more to go!

I've just finished a paper on tuesday. One last paper to go next tuesday, and then no more exams!! Wee~~

On a bizarre note, i got a call from my aunt this morning. Her phone call woke me up. The last i spoke to her was one year ago. So, it came as a surprise, and i did not have her number.

Aunt: Hello Joanne?
Me:....................................... *still dreaming about the faceless guy i was dating in my dream*
Aunt: Joanne???
Me:........*ok, woke up from dreamland. Trying to digest everything*
Aunt: Hello Jooooooooooooooooane????
Me: hmmmmm? *very soft hum*
Aunt: Oh! Were u sleeping? I'm so sorry to disturb!
Me: hmmm.... *almost awake now*
Aunt: How are u?
Me: hmm...good
Aunt: So are u still studying? In form 5 or form 6 now?
Me: I'm in college now. I'll be graduating soon.
Aunt: Oh, already in college ah? That's fast. Hey, i'm sorry to disturb u from your sleep. Can i have your dad's number?
Me: Oh sure. You hold on yea, i need to check my hp. *Press press press....then realized my dad is looking at me from my room's doorway, he thought i was dream talking*
"oh pa, auntie Helen on the phone" *throw the phone to dad, and went back to sleep...zzz*

It's bizarre cos my aunt rarely talk to me, let alone calls me. And it made me realised that everyone in the Yee family thinks i'm still a baby girl, still in school, still the baby of the family. Ok, i maybe the youngest YEEs in my family but i'm already 23!! Those days, woman of 23 years of age have 2-3 kids already. It's funny that among my friends, i am the mature, and independent one, but in my family, i'm the small, kiddy little girl.

My friend, Sandra told me this just last two weeks ago. She said i should stop being so independent, and tough. Girls need to have a guy by herself that she can rely on. I like what she say, i mean who doesn't need a person who will be there for u, that u can trust on? I need someone like that, it's just i havent find one yet. And i was brought up by my family that if you can do it by yourself, don't ask for people to help u. Do it yourself. So, i have this sense of guilt if people were to do something really nice for me that i can do it on my own. Like for example, if my guy friend offered to check my car tires' pressures while i just sit in the car waiting, i will feel very bad. I'll walk over and offer my help instead.

Anyway, enough ranting. lol. Time to study...5 more days to go!! ahhh...i hope i can finish all in time...
Wish me luck!! :D


:wub: said...

Am I the one in your dream? :wub:

:wub: said...

Sandra's words is right, hope you can find your white horse prince soon.