Aug 30, 2005

Desperate housewives

Yesterday was a very fun and relaxing day. I’ve watched the whole series of Desperate Housewives. Yup, all 23 episodes in just 3 days! The story is really interesting and funny but it’s a bit ridiculous. It was fun watching it. But the ending is really stupid, it leads to more questions. The funniest thing was that the neighbors were so oblivious to their neighbourhood. A particular gardener mows the lawn of a rich and pretty couple (not to mention the wife is an ex-model who is very flirtatious and the husband is always away) every 3 days and they don’t even question anything about it. Plus, the gardener is a young and extremely handsome 18 years old guy. Can you smell anything?
I would.

Anyway, the series is worth watching. It made me wonder about life and all. As shallow as I may sound, I really learnt a lot from it. I would recommend it to all my girl friends but the guys would enjoy watching the pretty babes in the series.

I went to gym last week during my school break with my friends. They went for a swim before going to gym while I head straight to gym (I can’t swim!!). I was the only girl there and because I was short, I had to adjust the seat in the cycling machine (whatever you call them). I pulled out the screw and I couldn’t put them back! I thought I had spoiled the machine, so, I went to ask this guy to help me out. He put the screw back effortlessly and I stood there like a dummy. It seems to others that I purposely ask the guy to come over just to chat with him! Gosh, made me look so cheap. What an embarrassment!

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