Jan 22, 2008

New sem, new subjects.

For this semester, Jan-April 08 I will be taking:

Java Programming
Chemistry 2
Structural biochemistry
Pengajian Kebangsaan LAN

5 subjects with 20 credit hours in total. And I’ve made a deal with Mr. Eddy Ng Wei Kuo that I if I get 0.25 or more than his pointer, he will treat me Kim Gary. And vice versa.
And that is a bad deal considering that he always get more than 3.90.

So, in order to ensure victory, I must get at least 3.75.
Tough….very tough..


Anonymous said...

i should call it bad deal ok?

jy said...

hehe...it's still a bad deal for me lar...this sem i'm super lazy..maybe after cny, i'll try to pick up my studies..