May 8, 2005

Another wedding

Yup, another cousin is getting married. Thank god she's from my mom's side or else, another pathetic gathering! My mom's side is a whole lot better, they are more care free, not much comparing. I get to meet a very close cousin and we might be in the same school! yeah!

Anyway, I noticed I have a habit of checking a particular guy's testimonials in friendster. I don't check others, only him and it's interesting in a sense that I'm intrigued with his life style and his circle of friends. I don't know why but it's very nice to know more about him. I hope he won't notice the increasing numbers of profile viewed.

Well, today I spent my afternoon watching The contender and it's a nice show. It's very very real, very entertaining too. I especially like Sergio, the latin snake, because he is so smart and cunning! I don't think I can get the same satisfaction with other reality TV shows, maybe with a few exception, amazing race and apprentice. I hate those so called reality shows, like Joe millionaire, Average joe and the rest of the same fake reality shows. They are sooo fake!! Obviously, u can tell by just looking at their face, fake expression! Maybe they should hire better actors or actresses to be on the show.

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