Jan 8, 2009

Grr.. First rage in 2009

Stupid Toyota dickhead. If you don't know how to drive, don't drive a big car, u stupid dickhead.

Grr... never felt so angry before in this new year.

Stupid Toyota dickhead PakCik honked so loud as if it was the end of the world.
I was inside post office at that time.

Came out to checked and nope, my car wasnt blocking him at all. In fact, he has ample space to reverse. I only blocked the car next to him. I even put my HP number on the screen just in case.

But nope, that dickhead decided to honk for 10 mins non-stop. Didnt bother about it cos i wasnt blocking him! Went in again and continue with my stuff.

Then, one guy came up to me and say "excuse me, i think your car is blocking the other car." and i was like "huh, what car is that? Oh, nvm" then i dash out. And on the way out, i bumped into another dickhead who didnt see the walkway properly.

Came out to repark my car but was so angry cos it was so embarassing. The whole post office kept looking at me as if i'm some irresponsible jerk who double park and doesnt give a damn.

But the fact is, that stupid idiot dickhead doenst know how to reverse his car. So much space. even a lorry could reverse. Stupid dickhead with Kopi 'O' license. Probably paid thousands to get his license cos he's such a dickhead.

Hello, u think u're so big ah?
Want people to purposely repark their car so u could reverse ur car in style?
Stupid dickead who thinks he's so big cos he's a malay. F**king dickhead.

Sorry, not being racist here but i bet that stupid pakcik thinks he's really big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its ok being racist, because thats what we all are! nice to read ur blog =)