May 13, 2009

My body is going haywire

Last week, i didn't poo for 4 days and it was the first time i had constipation for this year. I went to bought laxatives from 7-Eleven and gulp down two pills. The next morning, everything came out. So, i thought that's it, i'm going back to normal.

Then this week, again, didn't poo for 3 days and i got really worried. I thought it might be menstrual constipation since my period is gonna come soon. Yes people, there is such thing as menstrual constipation. Few days before period, girls usually have constipation, and when period is here, out comes everything. But no, it wasn't because of period cos i just had diarheaa today!
Constipation yesterday and today diarheaa, and i didn't eat any laxatives this time around.
It feels like shit (pun unintended) when all you wanna do yesterday was to sit at the loo to get everything out, and today all u wanna do is no more toilet visit.

Grr...something is wrong with my body! I'll give it another week to see what happened.

Btw, on a happier note, got my new glasses! Went to watch 'Sell Out' today in Mi9dvalley and despite all the International Awards it won, this is still afterall, a Malaysian film. Storyline was terrible, and did it sold the audience out? Nope, cos there were only 20 people at max in the cinema. But, i have to give credit to the nice songs, and great lead actress (Jerrica Lai) and the handsome lead actor. Would i recommend it? Yes, to support local film industry but no if you don't have RM9 bucks to spend. I'd give it 5/10.

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