Dec 19, 2009

What to do with my life?

I cannot imagine myself in one year time, let alone 5 years. Honestly, i have zero sense of direction now, i've no idea what job will i take on next year, or what company i would apply to. Extremely hate it when people ask me "So, have you thought of which company to apply or what do u wanna work as?".

I actually hate what i'm studying now. I do, i'm not a health freak and i don't care what i'm eating. In fact, i'm the worst person to ask about nutrition and food. If you'd ask me why i took this course in the first place, i had no choice back then. It was either this or computer science in some stupid local uni.

I think my problem is that i have no clue what my talent is. My only hobby is reading and reading. I can't even play any sports, i'm bad with numbers, i have bad sense of direction, and i lose focus easily.

Geez, am i so terrible?


Eddy said...

don't worry...
when the days come, you will know...

jy said...

Thanks eddy :)