Nov 26, 2009

I'm terrible at spicy food

Yesterday, i went over to my uni to study and renew a book. Came out and walk for an hour plus at the famous cheras wednesday pasar malam. Walked the whole street and decided to tapau Asam Laksa. I had this theory that the more spicy food you eat, the higher your tolerance towards spicy food. So, I thought i could practice my spicy-eating skill or whatever u call it.

To my horror, this asam laksa is the spiciest piece of stuff i've tasted! It's freaking spicy, for my standard. But i somehow managed to finish the whole stuff. Finished in an hour and throughout that time, tears automatically flowed out. lol. It is that bad, or should i say i am that bad.

Then the next morning, i went breakfast with mum. Along the way, while waiting at traffic light, i suddenly had the urge to lau sai! Yes, on the road while i'm driving. I was farting squirming all the way to the nearest petrol station. And the smart petrol station only has one toilet for female. Good thing it wasn't occupied. Took a good 20 mins in the toilet. And when i came out, a lady was waiting outside with a tulan very annoyed look. I think she must have a shock of her life when she entered the toilet. Lol. Maybe she could even smell the asam laksa. :P

So, to my dearest friends who thinks that i should eat more spicy food, this is why i won't.

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